Hi, I'm Beth Ann
a pharmacist turned functional medicine wellness coach, meditation teacher, and certified hypnotherapist who firmly believes the best medicine for our everyday wellness is available to anyone without a prescription. You just have to know where to look! I’m also a wife and a mama to three littles, so I know how strapped for time and overwhelmed with information we all feel.
Almost every woman I have the opportunity to work alongside is going through some version of the very same angst that knocked me to my knees not so long ago. We are standing in a burnout epidemic, and we're cooking slow like frogs. It's time for us to jump out of the boiling pot together! I had to walk a pretty difficult road to learn that we're not supposed to live life constantly stressed, anxious, and on edge, but I wouldn't trade that stretch of my story for anything - it was an incredible gift.
You see, it turns out I started a wellness company having no idea just how unwell I was. What a racket, right?
I didn’t jump into business a fraud of any sort, mind you - I was totally healthy on paper. All my numbers and stats (you know the important ones they check for life insurance and such) were precisely where they needed to be, and I had poured myself into this business as a way to share everything I had learned and was continuing to learn with others. You can read all about that part of my story HERE,
Just a few months after the launch of Prescription Wellness, I developed severe anxiety (you can read about it HERE), and the experience made it quite clear that one simply cannot be well with a broken spirit. Spiritual health plays just as vital a role in wellness as physical, mental, and emotional health. It's all connected, and every aspect matters. As I allowed the Lord to heal and breathe new life into my spirit, the functional medicine + faith approach that is now the foundation of the Prescription Wellness process began.
Meditation is an integral part of the faith element of PW. I spent my whole life praying/reading my Bible/going to church (if you know, you know), but it wasn't until my thirties that I learned that while prayer is talking to God and is super important, meditation is listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. This is a game changer.
If hearing God were the only benefit to meditation, that would be enough. It’s amazing. But God is in the business of going above and beyond, and there is so much more benefit built into our design from this practice. Studies now show that meditation is clearly associated with decreased depression, decreased anxiety, decreased stress response, pain response, and insomnia along with an increased overall quality of life. And that is just scratching the surface.
Meditating physically changes your brain structure for the better with consistent practice, as well as modifying your biology on a cellular and even a genetic level. It's so vital to our well-being that meditation is now incorporated into every program and package offered through Prescription Wellness because I don't know how to do wellness without it, and I wouldn't want to.