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Updated: Jun 15, 2023

These gluten-free, dairy-free biscuits are versatile and taste great. We give them bonus points because they are easy to make! If you try them, let us know what you think.


2 cups almond flour

2 tsp baking powder

½ tsp sea salt

2 large eggs, beaten

1/3 cup Culina plain and simple dairy-free yogurt (measured, then melted)


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. In medium mixing bowl, combine almond flour, baking powder, and salt.

  2. Gradually stir in eggs and yogurt and combine until mixture is uniform (it will be about the consistency of cookie dough.

  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and scoop dough into desired size and shape, keeping in mind that the biscuits will expand slightly but not as much as a traditional recipe. (Note: the dough is sticky, so using a scoop or two spoons is recommended.)

  4. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until biscuits are lightly browned and a fork inserted in the center comes out clean.


Updated: May 12, 2020

These are the craziest times I (or any of us) have ever seen, but I have an enormous peace. This peace does not come from being in a low-risk category (although I'm super grateful for that!), nor does it come from ignoring that this is a crisis - it most definitely is.

I have a peace because just a couple of years ago, I came face-to-face with God during a season of immense internal crisis, and it was the greatest gift of my life. It took crisis for me to see the God of the universe who had been there all along, to finally listen even though He's always speaking.

I took my doubts to Him because I reasoned that if God is really so Good, He can handle my doubts. He did, and He is.

Here's the deal: I'm no corona virus expert - more of an expert encourager who is surrendered fully to the God she trusts and happens to have spent the last several years ferociously studying the design of our bodies+minds+spirits and the easiest, most practical strategies to optimize that design. Which brings me to an important announcement:

Prescription Wellness' first digital course is just DAYS away!

A few precious women have been piloting it graciously with me, and pilot round 2 (with a big discount!) will be available in less than a week, which is way sooner than I had originally planned because I think it's what I'm supposed to do. Even if it's not perfect, it is time.

I'll be sharing more about my story and this course that's poured straight out of my heart into super short, easy-to-watch, daily videos because (even stuck at home) I know you're BUSY! If you'd like to be among the first to know when the course becomes available for purchase, be sure to subscribe to the email list (hit 'JOIN' in the menu), and then be on the lookout for upcoming emails with more info on the course, a link to purchase, and a code for that discount I mentioned!

I also have a favor to ask of you - would you share this with your family, friends, neighbors, church members, or any woman you can think of that needs a little encouragement during these crazy days? I believe it is time for us to get well together because we all have a God-given purpose to fulfill in this life, and the world needs us ALL fulfilling our purpose well.

I am truly so grateful for you, and I will see you again soon!

- Beth Ann

Updated: Apr 20, 2020

Anxiety caught me totally off guard.

I had stepped out of traditional pharmacy altogether, with no clue what a profound impact that would have on my psyche. Transitioning from working in the busy retail setting I had known my whole life to working from home initiated a slow unraveling of my clearly misplaced identity, and it wasn’t pretty.

Certain this unpleasant and unfamiliar feeling was fixable, I decided to roll up my sleeves and rid myself of all anxiousness. I tightened my grip on anything I felt was within grasp of my control because that worked for all of zero people ever.

Every supplement recommended for anxiety, I took. Every food you should eliminate for anxiety, I eliminated. Praying and reading my Bible became hour long excursions every morning during which I would search for the answers I thought best, explaining to God the path I felt we should take that day. I wanted Him to fix everything, even though I didn’t exactly know what ‘everything’ consisted of.

That’s the tricky thing about anxiety. You know something is wrong, but any number of triggers could rob you of joy on any given day.

Then came a morning I will never forget. I read the Word and began talking to (at?) God yet again, but I felt confusion and overwhelm reaching a boiling point in my spirit. It was intense. I was exhausted, and something inside me cracked.

Wide open.

I broke down into a full on ugly cry in the middle of my living room floor - face down, hands up - and I handed all the control to the Lord. Every bit of it.

In that instant, I felt a physical burden LIFT. My yoke was wholly replaced by His. Anxiety began melting away as I breathed more deeply than I ever remember having breathed before, and I prayed for Him simply to make me whole.

This work will surely never be done, but He wasted no time in getting started. Just a few hours later, I heard the Lord’s voice for the first time in my life. It wasn’t exactly audible, but it may as well have been. That’s the only way I know how to describe it.

The Lord began ushering me into a new season that day, one in which He speaks and I listen.

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